When hiring for open roles on the team...
Sales leaders can and should involve the current members of the sales team to sit in on interviews for new candidates and be part of the hiring process.
Sellers should be proactive and ask to be part of the interview process for any new potential members of the team.
This enables all parties to be a part of the hiring process.
Building and maintaining culture starts with the hiring process.
Get everyone involved early and often.
The entire sales team will benefit in the long run.
If you or other sales team members are looking to become better at the craft of sales, please let me know.
Here are a few ways that I may be able to help:
1) Grab a copy of the book or audiobook, Carry That Quota. You can order it here on Amazon or Audible.
2) Take a look at the Carry That Quota Digital Workshop Series. Here is a link to all of the online workshops.
Each workshop is less than 40 minutes and has been designed to help salespeople get better at the craft of sales by focusing on the fundamentals of the sales profession. Salespeople and sales leaders can access these workshops on their phone, their computer, or tablet.