Sales is a vehicle to tell a story that can help others solve problems that they may or may not realize they are dealing with in some shape or form.
People remember stories: it is one of the earliest forms of communication dating back to the Stone Age. Most salespeople do not tell stories, so by telling stories, you stand out. It is also worth emphasizing that stories are better when the client knows that you have done your homework. In particular, telling a story about their business that they have not heard will help to boost your credibility. It shows you have done your research. It also helps them to build credibility within their company. If they like and remember your story, they will repeat it internally with other colleagues. This will enable the story to be retold, and your message will get amplified as others tell it over and over again. Finally, keep in mind that stories told in the form of pictures are easier to remember than text. This again dates back to our childhood. We initially learned to digest facts in the form of pictures, not words.
So remember, during every customer interaction - think about your story and make sure that it will be memorable for your customer.
If you or other sales team members are looking to become better at the craft of sales, please let me know.
Here are a few ways that I may be able to help:
1) Grab a copy of the book or audiobook, Carry That Quota. You can order it here on Amazon or Audible.
2) Take a look at the Carry That Quota Digital Workshop Series. Here is a link to all of the online workshops.
Each workshop is less than 40 minutes and has been designed to help salespeople get better at the craft of sales by focusing on the fundamentals of the sales profession. Salespeople and sales leaders can access these workshops on their phone, their computer, or tablet.