The excerpt below is taken from the book, Carry That Quota. Carry That Quota is available on Amazon, Audible, and other online channels.
“One critical facet of taking control of your professional development is owning your training. This means that you should make use of all of the resources that are at your disposal and not expect anyone else to drive this forward except for you. In particular, do not wait for internal learning and development/human-resource departments to organize a training session on your behalf. I find that most companies have sales enablement teams to help train and develop the sales teams, but I have yet to find a sales enablement team that provides value. Rather, having worked for companies both large and small, I have found that the best way to make yourself better is to be proactive and own the learning and development process itself. This starts with delegating the time to make the task happen. I personally work to schedule four to six hours each week into my calendar that could be defined as “training ”or “personal development.” This actually increases when I travel as I find that I discover additional pockets of time while in airports or on flights. These pockets of time when traveling add up very quickly. When you factor in cabs to and from the airport, waiting for flights at the airport, and then time in the evening if you stay over at a hotel, there is plenty of time to leverage and allocate some of it to personal development and training.
For further information about the book, Carry That Quota, please click here to order directly from Amazon or Audible.
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